Why is drinking water important in summer?

Makes you feel energized

During summer season, we need more water to maintain a good condition to our bodies. When we don’t have enough water in the body, we will feel tired because electrolytes are reduced with sweating. Only hydration can let you get away from tiredness and recover.

How much water to drink in a day during summer?

Chronic fatigue may be associated with long-lasting dehydration as the cells in the body need water to accomplish normal enzymatic activities. If you are dehydrated, it’s difficult for your bodies to produce needed energies for moving. In fact, water is a panacea to help you get full of energy. Those people who don’t do any vigorous work must absorb at least 7-8 glasses per day. If there is too much sweating, it is essential to take 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Advantages of drinking enough water

1. Prevent constipation
One of the main reasons of constipation is absorbing too little water a day. Water contributes to keeping the lining of digestive tract wet and moist, which makes the system easier to process, digest and eliminate foods. Due to lack of enough water, the motility of intestine retards. Therefore, it’s necessary to drink at least 7-8 glasses of water for avoiding constipation.

2. Prevent stomach ulcers
The reason of heartburn and acid reflux is too much acid increasing in the stomach. Acid burns the lining of stomach because the stomach is in absence of enough mucus protecting it from the acidity of digestive process. Stomach ulcers may be caused by insufficient mucus because of inadequate hydration.

Thirsty, not hungry

Interestingly, hunger is the first signal our bodies give when we are dehydrated. We usually feel hungry rather than thirsty so we will eat a lot of food instead of drinking. Next time, if you are hungry, drinking a glass full of water may immediately fill you up!
